Slim Your Way®


Frequently Asked Questions

Outside the Praxis

What type of consultation do you currently offer?

We offer face-to-face, Zoom or phone consultations.

Do I have to make an appointment or can I just come to you?

You have to make an appointment first by calling us or emailing us so that we can allocate enough time to help you effectively.

How long is an appointment?

Your first appointment may be up to 3 hours since I have to get familiar with your individual circumstances first. Any follow-up appointments may be up to 2 hours.

You require me to bring my previous test results to my first appointment, what if I don't have any?

Your GP should be able to provide you with a printout of the test results of the past few years since you paid for them and it is your own personal data. It would be best to arrange this before you come to us to avoid any additional cost. They could send you a secure document via email that you can open with a password.

Can I claim Medicare benefits for your services?

I am not a medical doctor so unfortunately you cannot claim my services through Medicare or your private health fund.

How can I reach you if I have any questions after an appointment?

You will receive login credentials to your own private Web Portal that we can communicate through confidentially (easy as text messaging). This portal has many additional features that allows the exchange of fact sheets, recipes, supplement suggestions and invoices so you have all those things in a single place. You can also choose to receive a notification when I post something new for you on the portal. Of course you can also reach me via email or SMS.

I am not able to get through to you on the phone, what should I do?

Sometimes I am unable to pick up the phone, for example when I am in a consultation with a client. Please do not hesitate to leave a message or email or SMS me and I will get back to you asap with a suggestion for a mutually agreeable time to talk.

Adult & Children Holistic Nutrition